Charter Oak Pegnataro
Charter Oak Pegnataro
The “Charter Oak Pegnataro and Pasquale” cigars embody the commitment to excellence and artistry that define Foundation Cigar Company. Crafted by Nicholas Melillo, Founder and Master Blender, these cigars pay homage to the unwavering spirit and timeless wisdom passed down by his grandfathers. They also serve to pay tribute the opening of Foundation’s new office on a 300-acre farm in the heart of the Connecticut River Valley tobacco growing region.
The Charter Oak CT Shade Pegnataro features a golden-brown Connecticut Shade wrapper, exuding elegance and refinement. Despite its milder profile, this medium-bodied cigar showcases a depth of flavor that surprises the palate. With delicate hints of cedar, almond, and a subtle sweetness, Charter Oak CT Shade Pegnataro presents a harmonious balance that appeals to aficionados seeking a more nuanced and flavorful smoke.
Corona: 5.5" x 48 RG
Factory of Production: Tabacalera AJ Fernandez
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Connecticut Shade
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Box of 12 cigars.