Winston Churchill Late Hour Panetelas
Winston Churchill Late Hour Panetelas
For this cigar for the darker hours of the day, Davidoff selected a shiny and oily Ecuador wrapper in a beautiful dark chocolate colour. The two Nicaraguan filler tobaccos grown in the mineral-rich volcanic soils of Condega and Estelí add spiciness and depth of character to the cigars. Especially the Nicaraguan Condega visus tobacco, which was cask-aged in original Scottish first fill single malt whisky casks gives the cigar its mysterious sweetness. An intense multi-origin blend with a full body and robust flavours. The Petit Panetela delights with that same signature complexity in taste as the long-fillers of the line.
Petit Panetela: 4" x 38 RG
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Maduro
Binder: Mexico
Filler: Dominican Republiuc, Nicaragua
Tin of 4 Panetelas.