D'Boiss DB 52
D'Boiss DB 52
Faced with the persistent scarcity of sought-after Cuban cigars among clients at the D’Boiss Club Bespoke cigar lounge in Tallinn, Casdagli took matters into their own hands. This led to the inception of the D’Boiss Line of cigars. Crafted from exceptionally rare tobaccos procured through their partnerships in Costa Rica, these cigars offer a unique experience. Infused with sweet honey aromas and gentle hints of spicy sweetness on the palate, they effortlessly transport Cuban cigar enthusiasts to the tranquil, sun-kissed days of leisurely smoking beneath the blue skies of Havana. Beautiful notes of lemongrass, malted milk chocolate, sweet coffee, caramel, and pepper notes can be found throughout this beautifully mild-medium smoke.
DB52: 4.6" x 52 RG
Country of Origin: Costa Rica
Wrapper: Ecuadorian
Binder: Costa Rica
Filler: Costa Rica
Boxes of 20 Cigars.