Atabey cigars are meticulously crafted in limited quantities each year and aged for a minimum of five years after rolling. Utilizing five distinct types of cedar - Cuban, Spanish, Lebanese, Brazilian, and Mexican - the cigars undergo a unique cleansing process. Humidity levels are reduced to 40% and then gradually restored to 70%, allowing the cigars to absorb the distinctive cedar notes. Named after the Goddess of the Taino Indians, Atabey boasts a rich heritage and a complex flavor profile. The Taino Indians, who revered Atabey, were the first to smoke a primitive form of cigar during their spiritual ceremonies known as Cohiba. Their communication with Atabey was facilitated through their spiritual guide, the Behike. Describing Atabey as complex is an understatement; it delicately captivates with nuances of sweet cedar, dark fruit, leather, and caramel- continuously enticing the senses.
Hechizos: 4" x 40 RG
Divinos: 4 & 2/5" x 50 RG
Idolos:4" x 55 RG
Brujos: 5" x 52 RG
Sabios: 5 & 1/4" x 52 RG
Delirios: 5 & 3/4" x 55 RG
Duendes: 6 & 1/8" x 54 RG (Torpedo)
Spiritus: 7" x 40 RG
Ritos: 6 & 1/8" x 55 RG
Misticos: 6 & 3/4" x 56 RG
Dioses: 8" x 50 RG
Benditos: 7 & 1/4" x 58 RG
Country of Origin: Costa Rica
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Shade
Binder: Undisclosed
Filler: Peruvian Ligero, Undisclosed