The Montecristo No. 2

The Montecristo No. 2

If there was a Cuban cigar that your father or grandfather has smoked, it’s most likely the Montecristo no. 2. It is one of the most iconic Cuban cigars out there, and the benchmark of the classic Montecristo line of cigars. It is arguably the most iconic Pyramide in the world. All of this is for good reason. It is a great cigar.

The Montecristo no. 2 is a 52 RG x 5.1” torpedo, which makes it a fairly large smoke in today’s standards, but when it was created in 1935 it was viewed as downright huge. Wrapper colors can vary box to box. Construction and performance have always been top notch in my experience.

The Monte 2 is medium to medium-full in body, which is on the fuller side of the Cuban spectrum. The profile is classic Monte- a deep masterpiece of cocoa, cream, tangy wood, nutmeg, and notes of cinnamon. Excellent mouthfeel. They can be raucous when young. In my opinion, a Montecristo no. 2 with some years of age on them are quite hard to beat. They truly get better and better over time.

Another reason for its popularity is that the Montecristo no. 2 is a decent value given it’s size! The No. 2 is offered in dress boxes of 10 and 25 ct. one can expect to pay 350-500$ for a box of 25 on the secondary market.
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