The Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed Toro

The Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed Toro

The Davidoff Nicaragua was a big curveball when first released in 2013, since the Davidoff brand headquarters are located in the Dominican Republic. Davidoff had a history of Dominican heavy blends(outside of their short stretch in Cuba). Not only using Nicaraguan tobacco, but a Nicaraguan puro was definitely a statement. The Davidoff Nicaragua was also the first cigar in the discovery series which don the black Davidoff band. The box pressed Toros and Robustos were not included in the original launch, but were added some time after.

The blend of the box- pressed variety of the Nicaragua is slightly tweaked as opposed to the original sizes. The wrapper is oscuro, where the original was rosado- both of which are from Habano seed. The filler tobaccos are a mixture from 4 different regions of Nicaragua. It is a puro- the wrapper, binder, and filler are all Nicaraguan. The box pressed variety of the Nicaraguan blend are said to stronger than the original sizes, due to an extra leaf of livery incorporated into the blend.

As you would expect, the construction is second to none. The draw is on the looser side, but not to the cigar’s detriment. Flavor notes observed were coffee, charred oak, pepper, with a slight sweetness. The smoke was medium-full in body, while never getting overly obnoxious.

If you are a Davidoff fan looking for a more full flavored experience, or looking to check out their spin on a Nicaraguan puro, I would recommend this cigar to you! A box of 12 toros can run be found for 160-200$ on the American market.
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