The Perfect Cigar Accessory does not exi….
The Cigar Accessory world In my opinion can be divided into two categories. There are luxury accessories, then there are cost-effective practical ones. Sometimes an accessory can be both. However, the one I will speak of today is in a category of it’s own.
The PerfecDraw and PerfecRepair Cigar Glue are of a different category- they are literal money savers. The amount of cigars that these two products have resurrected has surpassed their cost easily 10 fold, maybe more. An average Cuban cigar costs 12-15$(more like 15-20 nowadays 😔) Out of 20 Cuban cigars, you are likely to find a plugged one(maybe 2 😂). At an investment cost of 30$, the PerfecDraw has the potential of paying for itself with just 2 cigars! The PerfecRepair comes into play when cigars are beaten up in transit or an accidental drop. With a 9$ price tag, it can pay for itself with one damaged cigar.
In my opinion, the PerfecCigarSolutions family of products are the perfect cigar accessories, because they save the cigar smoker money. And let’s be honest. We need all the help we can get, because spending money on this hobby of ours has never been a problem 😂.
All of the PerfecCigarSolutions family of products are available on our website!